Finding Peace
Are you often feeling just too busy?
Do your needs always seem to come last?
Do things often "Not go your way?"
Are you frustrated, angry, "let down" within your relationships, at work and play?
Is it difficult for you to "let go" of negative thinking?
Do you feel there is nothing you can do about all the above?
The truth is, you are the only one who can do something about those feelings within you .
People today balance many and varied roles. Many people find it difficult to find even moments of peace in their lives.
By living with my "Peace Concepts" I have been able to find peace and enjoy happiness through the good, but more importantly, the most challenging life experiences.
As opportunity arises often share some of these concepts with others.
I first published "Finding Peace" in 2009, as a resource for my clients. At that time I was a busy remedial massage therapist, practice manager, Mum and a reasonably newly qualified Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy. The book was originally for sale as a paperback.
Since the original book release, becoming increasingly informed by the principles of Ortho-Bionomy in both my work and life, I have continued to find that living with the concepts I set out in the book
continues to be a precious guide, because they are a perfect synergistic fit with the principles of Ortho-Bionomy. My peace concepts, reinforced by the principles of Ortho-Bionomy, allow me to create a rich and
rewarding life for myself.
As copies sold, and a reprint loomed, it made sense to me to move with the times, and create an e-book version of "Finding Peace."
In "Finding Peace" you can learn about a way of approaching life that will help you learn how to take responsibility for achieving an attitude, and a way of living, that will allow you to find and maintain happiness and peace within yourself.
A gift for you
In 2023 I decided to make this e-book freely availableCopy this link into your web browser, to view and/or download your copy of "Finding Peace"
If you'd prefer to pay for a paper copy of "Finding Peace" please email me, and I can let you know costs.
Kind Regards,