I received my first Ortho-Bionomy treatment in 1997, while struggling with an ongoing shoulder injury. I was intrigued that such a gentle method could have such powerful benefits.
Within (3) treatments the chronic issue I had been living with for several years, and for which I'd undergone all kinds of treatment,
resolved entirely.
Coming from a science and Remedial Massage background, I began to study with Ortho-Bonomy Instructors myself in 1998. Originally my intersest was for the ongoing professional
development requirements of health fund compliancy for the massage industry. I soon realised the benefits the treatment offered, beyond that of massage.
Studying in a self paced way, I spent the next (10) years attending classes, incorporating Ortho-Bionomy into my treatemnts, and now practice and teach as an Advanced Practitioner and Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy.
- The outcomes for my clients are much improved
- Ortho-Bionomy is physically very gentle on both my client's and my own body
- The treatment is holistic, providing benefits for both the skeletal structure, the soft tissues, and the organs within the body
- Working with the nervous system, Ortho-Bionomy allows my clients to be their best physically, mentally and emotionally
- This respectful method is simply how I prefer to interact with clients
- Sustainability. No products or equipment are used, so a very gentle footprint on the planet
I feel they not only improve the treatment outcomes in my clinic but, living with these principles, makes me a more effective person in all my relationships.
But life's not all work. Play is also important. Life is about balance, and I have lots of interests away from the clinic. Most of them involve exploring new experiences. These include travel, hiking, cooking, reading, movies, and sharing ideas in stimulating conversations. I love meeting new people, and exploring ways to achieve full potential for myself and those I work with.
I hope to meet you in the clinic one day.